Three Unforgettable Tales From The Masters of Anime
In this anime anthology, a salvage ship crew happens upon a haunted vessel in "Magnetic Rose"; a cold tablet turns a lab worker into a biological weapon in "Stink Bomb"; and an urban populace carries on an endless war with an unseen foe in "Cannon Fodder."
- Year: 1995
- Country: Japan
- Genre: Fantasy, Animation, Science Fiction
- Studio: Bandai Visual, Shochiku, Madhouse, Kodansha, STUDIO4℃
- Keyword: based on comic, anthology, space, disaster, based on manga, haunted by the past, haunted manor, anime, memories, psychological, horror, magnetic rose
- Director: Katsuhiro Otomo, Koji Morimoto, Tensai Okamura
- Cast: Tsutomu Isobe, Koichi Yamadera, Shozo Iizuka, Shigeru Chiba, Gara Takashima, Ami Hasegawa