Documentary "Shin Kamen Rider" ~Behind the Scenes of the Hero Action Challenge~
"Shin Kamen Rider" is the first live-action film directed by Hideaki Anno since "Shin Godzilla" seven years ago. In the 52-year history of the "Masked Rider" series, this is the first time that cameras have been on the production site for an extended period of time. Please take a look at the two years of the creators taking on the challenge of creating an unprecedented heroic action film.
- Year: 2023
- Country: Japan
- Genre: Documentary
- Studio: NHK Enterprises, Ennet Co.
- Keyword:
- Director:
- Cast: Hideaki Anno, Sosuke Ikematsu, Minami Hamabe, Tasuku Emoto, Mirai Moriyama, Mahiro Maeda